Brice Vandemoortele

Generic BRDF

I recently got into learning Cg and I figured out most free shaders out there are max ones. So I thought it might be a good idea to release what I've been doing these last few months so that people can play with it.

I tried to build the more generic shader I could. It's mostly for testing or beauty renders, but it might be useful to someone. It's rather slow and unoptimized and only supports one lamp. I have been mostly experimenting the cg thing, not yet into efficiency. It supports various fancy things such as using a lookup texture for shading, fresnel, blurry reflections, cube ambient, emissive etc. Check out Christoph Kubisch's page for 3dsmax port.

Released under creative commons by-sa license · 2007

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examples from pior and peppi

Generic BRDF Tutorials

ShaderGenericTuto ShaderGenericTuto